BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
System7 tools
Compatibility Checker 1.0b7.1
< prev
Extensible Markup Language
32 lines
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE stack PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD stack V 2.0//EN" "" >
<cantModify><false /></cantModify>
<cantDelete><false /></cantDelete>
<cantAbort><false /></cantAbort>
<script>∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞-- Compatibility Checker 1.0b7.1 8 Apr 1991-- ©Copyright 1990,1991 by Desktop Services, Apple Computer, Inc.-- All Rights Reserved---- FOR APPLE INTERNAL USE ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-- "Compatability Checker" by Mike Byrne and Neal Robison of-- Apple Desktop Services, with Bob Loftis and Dick Holmes of-- Apple Instructional Products---- This stack will examine any volumes attached to your Macintosh and-- see if all the applications, and inits are compatible-- with System 7.0. In addition, it will check some of your-- Macintosh's hardware for System 7.0 compatibility.---- XFCNs used in this stack:--------------------------------------------------------- FilterDirectory() -- Mike Byrne, Apple Computer-- ExtractVersion() -- "-- SystemFolder() -- "-- FileFromPath() -- "-- GetSpeakerVol() -- "-- VersionCompare() -- "-- TableWidth() -- "-- FileNation() -- "-- ChosenPrinter() -- "-- Volumes() -- John Crossley, Apple Computer-- FileVersion() -- Eric Carlson and Anup Murarka, Apple Computer-- TotalRAM() -- "-- DiskSpaceAvail() -- "-- HFSCopy() -- "-- VolumeIsLocked() -- "-- LocalVolumeList() -- "-- SysEnv() -- Thomas Scott, Apple Computer---- XCMDs used in this stack:--------------------------------------------------------- RemoveFile -- Mike Byrne, Apple Computer-- SetSpeakerVol -- "-- Thermometer -- "-- FindInXCMD -- Phil Beisel, Apple Computer-- XPrintField -- Joe Zuffoletto, Apple Computer---- Info for the stack scripts:-- • System message handlers:-- openStack,closeStack---- • Checking Set-Up handlers:-- findStartupVolume,systemEnvironmentCheck,checkForDiskSpace,-- moveIfLocked,convertIfVersionTwo,setUpVolumeSelection,appleShareCheck---- • Compatibility Checking handlers:-- contained in background "Checker" script---- • Compatibility Report handlers:-- assembleReport,IncompatibleINITs,processUnknownINITs-- doOpening,doWarnings,createItemTalbe,doEnding,createVendorTable-- checkAndSplitReport---- • Admin/Maintenance handlers:-- BYISetUp,unlock,lock∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞==============================-- System Messages Handlers --==============================on openStack-- *openStack* does the basic set up. It calls all of the set up-- handlers and loads the database info into the globals.global Messages,Moved,gInternational,BYI,gDoingScan,INITProblemput TRUE into INITProblemchoose browse tool --∑set cursor to watchhide menubar-- if BYI is not TRUE then-- if hcSysCompatible() is "No" then-- put "This version of HyperCard is not fully compatible with the "&¬-- "system software you are using. If you experience problems, "&¬-- "consult the Read Me document included with Before You Install, "&¬-- "which lists the correct version of HyperCard to use."¬-- into answerString-- answer answerString-- end if-- end ifdoOpeningSplashfindStartUpVolumemoveIfLockedif Moved is not TRUE then checkForDiskSpaceconvertIfVersionTwosystemEnvironmentCheckput FALSE into gDoingScanpush cardset lockScreen to TRUE-- Let's determine which path to take for user set-upsetUpVolumeSelectiongo cd "Headers 2"if the hilite of cd btn "Yes" is TRUE then put TRUE into gInternational --∆else put FALSE into gInternationalpop cardset lockScreen to FALSEif BYI is TRUE then BYISetUpend openStackon closeStackglobal OldSpeakerVol,INITProblemif INITProblem is not TRUE thenput "The startup items you moved remain "&¬return & "active until you shut down or restart your computer. "&¬"Be sure to restart your Macintosh before installing "&¬"System 7." into answerStringanswer answerStringend ifpush cardset lockScreen to TRUEgo cd "Introduction"send "hideDialog" to bg "Checker"hide cd btn "Contents" --∆show cd btn "Cover2"go cd "Volumes"send "hideDialog" to bg "Checker"show cd btn "Start Checking" --∑repeat with buttonNumber = 1 to 9set the name of btn buttonNumber to "Some Volume" --∆show cd btn buttonNumberset the hilite of cd btn buttonNumber to FALSEend repeatgo cd "Results"put empty into cd fld "Results"put empty into cd fld "Results 2"put empty into cd fld "Results 3"hide cd btn "Section 1" --∆hide cd btn "Section 2" --∆hide cd btn "Section 3" --∆show card field "Results"hide card field "Results 2"hide card field "Results 3"go cd "Caution—INITs"put empty into cd fld "List of INITs"put empty into cd fld "Startup Information"pop cardif OldSpeakerVol is not empty then SetSpeakerVol OldSpeakerVolend closeStackfunction hcSysCompatible-- hcSysCompatible determines if the version of HC and System being-- used is compatible. it returns "No" if it is not or "Yes" if it is.-- the data is contained in a fld on the 1st cd called "System/HC Table"-- MySys is a global containing sysEnv dataput item 3 of SysEnv() into theSystemput cd fld "System/HC Table" of cd "Introduction" into sysTableput empty into compatibleput char 1 to 4 of the long version into HCVersionif HCVersion is not in sysTable thenput "No" into compatibleelseif theSystem is not in sysTable thenput "No" into compatibleelserepeat with checkLine = 2 to the number of lines in sysTableif theSystem = item 1 of line checkLine of sysTablethen put checkLine into sysLineend repeatrepeat with checkItem = 2 to the number of items in line 1 of sysTableif HCVersion = item checkItem of line 1 of sysTablethen put checkItem into hcVerItemend repeatput item hcVerItem of line sysLine of sysTable into compatibleend ifend ifreturn (compatible)end hcSysCompatibleon doOpeningSplashglobal BeenHereBeforeif BeenHereBefore is not TRUE thengo cd "Splash 1"wait 50 ticksvisual effect barn door opengo cd "Splash 2"wait 50 ticksgo cd "Splash 3"--beep--beepwait 50 ticksgo cd "Introduction"put TRUE into BeenHereBeforeelseif the short name of this cd is "Splash 1" then go cd "Introduction"end ifend doOpeningSplash==============================-- Checking Set-Up handlers --==============================function volFromPath pathNameput offset(":", pathName) into theCharput char 1 to theChar of pathName into thisVolreturn (thisVol)end volFromPathon findStartUpVolume-- *findStartUpVolume* locates the name of the volume that holds the-- currently used System Folder. The assumption is that the current-- System Folder is really the “correct” System Folder...global StartUpVolume,TheSystemFolder,gSysFolderCharsput SystemFolder() into TheSystemFolderput the number of chars in TheSystemFolder into gSysFolderCharsput offset(":",TheSystemFolder) into theCharput char 1 to (theChar - 1) of TheSystemFolder into StartUpVolumeend findStartUpVolumeon systemEnvironmentCheckglobal OldSpeakerVol,IsVMCapable,Is32BitAddressableput SysEnv() into sysEnvResultsput item 3 of sysEnvResults into systemVersionif systemVersion ≥ "0607" thenif the version < 2.0 thenif OldSpeakerVol is empty then put GetSpeakerVol() into OldSpeakerVolSetSpeakerVol 0end ifend ifput item 2 of sysEnvResults into MachineTypeput item 10 of sysEnvResults into PMMU--32-bit addressing checkif MachineType = "Macintosh IIfx" or ¬MachineType = "Macintosh IIci" or MachineType = "Macintosh IIsi" thenput TRUE into Is32BitAddressableend if--VM checkif PMMU = TRUE then put TRUE into IsVMCapableend systemEnvironmentCheckon moveIfLocked-- *moveIfLocked will move the stack if the current volume-- is locked. This allows operation from CD-ROM or locked floppy...global theError,StartUpVolume,Moved,newCompCheckerput word 2 of the long name of this stack into thisStackdelete last char of thisStackdelete first char of thisStackput VolFromPath(thisStack) into potentialCD --∑put thisStack into thisVolput offset(":", thisVol) into theCharput char 1 to theChar of thisVol into thisVolput VolumeIsLocked(thisVol,theError) into lockedStatusif (lockedStatus) or (potentialCD = "System 7.0 CD-ROM") then --∑put "Compatibility Checker cannot be used on a locked disk. For "&¬"best results, it should be used on a hard disk. Click Copy to "&¬"make a copy of Compatibility Checker on your startup hard disk."¬into answerString --∆answer answerString with "Quit" or "Copy" --∆if it is "Quit" then --∆doMenu "Quit HyperCard"exit to HyperCardend ifset cursor to watchput DiskSpaceAvail(StartUpVolume) into freeSpaceif (freeSpace div 1024) < 250 thenput "There is not enough space on your startup disk to copy "&¬"Compatibility Checker." into answerString --∆answer answerString with "OK" --∆doMenu "Quit HyperCard"exit to HyperCardelseput StartUpVolume & ":Compatibility Checker 1.0b7.1" into newCompCheckerget HFSCopy(thisStack,newCompChecker,"noDialog:theError")if theError is "Sorry, unexpected error #-48" thenput "Compatibility Checker cannot be copied because there is "&¬"another stack with the same name on your startup disk." ¬into answerString --∆answer answerString with "Quit" --∆if it is "Quit" then --∆doMenu "Quit HyperCard"exit to HyperCardend ifend ifif theError is empty thenput TRUE into Movedgo to stack newCompCheckerexit to HyperCardend ifset cursor to normalend ifelse exit moveIfLockedend moveIfLockedon checkForDiskSpace-- global newCompChecker --∑ if loop, below-- if newCompChecker is empty thenput word 2 of the long name of this stack into thisStackdelete last char of thisStackdelete first char of thisStackput thisStack into thisVolume--else put newCompChecker into thisVolumeput offset(":", thisVolume) into theCharput char 1 to theChar of thisVolume into thisVolumeput DiskSpaceAvail(thisVolume) into freeSpaceput freeSpace div 1024 into freeSpaceif freeSpace < 75 thenput 75 - freeSpace into needToRemoveput "You need an additional " & needToRemove & "K of space on "&¬thisVolume & " to use Compatibility Checker." into answerString --∆answer answerString with "Quit" --∆doMenu "Quit HyperCard"exit to HyperCardend ifend checkForDiskSpaceon convertIfVersionTwo-- we now need to check and see if the stack should be converted,-- because it can't run correctly if locked...if the version >= 2.0 thenif there is a menuItem "Convert Stack..." of menu "File" then--∑ took out show menubardoMenu "Convert Stack..." without dialogset lockScreen to TRUEpush cardgo homepop cardset lockScreen to FALSEend ifend ifend convertIfVersionTwoon setUpVolumeSelection-- *setUpVolumeSelection* determines the number of mounted volumes,-- to be used in choosing the user's setup instructions.global gNumofVols,gMountedVols,gSelectedVols,gNumSelected,PowerUserglobal StartUpVolume,StartUpVolumeCheckedset lockScreen to TRUEpush cdgo cd "Introduction"put Volumes() into gMountedVolsrepeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in gMountedVolsif line i of gMountedVols is "Before You Install System 7" then --∆delete line i of gMountedVolsend ifend repeatput the number of lines in gMountedVols into gNumofVolsput empty into appleShareExistsput appleShareCheck() into appleShareExistsif gNumofVols > 2 or appleShareExists is TRUE thengo cd "Introduction"hide cd btn "Start Checking" --∆show cd btn "Set Up" --∆put TRUE into PowerUserput "To continue, click Set Up, below." ¬into cd fld "Continue Information" --∆if gNumofVols > 9 then --we're not going to check more than 9 volsput 9 into gNumofVols--∆ belowput "There are more than 9 disks attached to your Macintosh. "&¬"Compatibility Checker will check only the first 9 disks."answer answerString with "Continue"end ifelsego cd "Introduction"hide cd btn "Set up" --∆show cd btn "Start Checking" --∆put "To continue, click Start Checking, below." ¬into cd fld "Continue Information" --∆put gMountedVols into gSelectedVolsput the number of lines of gMountedVols into gNumSelectedput FALSE into PowerUserput TRUE into StartUpVolumeCheckedend ifgo cd "Volumes"repeat with vols = 1 to gNumofVolsset the name of cd btn vols to line vols of gMountedVolsset the hilite of cd btn vols to FALSEend repeatrepeat with erases = (gNumofVols + 1) to 9hide btn erasesend repeatset the hilite of cd btn StartUpVolume to TRUEpop cardset lockScreen to FALSEend setUpVolumeSelectionfunction appleShareCheckglobal gMountedVols,theErrorput empty into theErrorput LocalVolumeList("noDialog:theError") into localVolumesrepeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of gMountedVolsif line i of gMountedVols is not in localVolumes thenreturn(TRUE)exit appleShareCheckend ifend repeatreturn(empty)end appleShareCheck================================-- Global management handlers --================================on loadDatabasesglobal gVersionDB,gVendorDB,gAPPLSkipTypes,gINITSkipTypes,gSecurityDBset lockScreen to TRUEpush cardgo cd "Databases"put cd fld "VersionDB" into gVersionDBput cd fld "VendorDB" into gVendorDBput cd fld "SkipList Applications" into gAPPLSkipTypesput cd fld "SkipList INITs" into gINITSkipTypesput cd fld "SecurityDB" into gSecurityDBpop cardset lockScreen to FALSEend loadDatabaseson releaseDatabasesglobal gVersionDB,gVendorDB,gAPPLSkipTypes,gINITSkipTypes,gSecurityDBput empty into gVersionDBput empty into gVendorDBput empty into gAPPLSkipTypesput empty into gINITSkipTypesput empty into gSecurityDBend releaseDatabaseson purgeReportGlobalsglobal IncompatibleSecuritySoftware,TheFinalReportglobal gUnknownINITs,MultipleSystemFolders,TotalRAMProblemglobal DiskSpaceVolumes,WarningsHolder,IncompatibleINITsput empty into IncompatibleSecuritySoftwareput empty into TheFinalReportput empty into gUnknownINITsput empty into MultipleSystemFoldersput empty into TotalRAMProblemput empty into DiskSpaceVolumesput empty into WarningsHolderput empty into IncompatibleINITsput empty into theFinalReportend purgeReportGlobals===================================-- Compatability Report Handlers --===================================on assembleReportglobal TheFinalReportset cursor to watchset lockScreen to TRUEprocessIncompatibleINITsprocessUnknownINITsdoOpeningdoWarningscreateItemTabledoEndingcreateVendorTablego cd "Results"checkAndSplitReportend assembleReporton doOpeningglobal IncompatibleSecuritySoftware,TheFinalReport,gSelectedVolsglobal gUnknownINITs,MultipleSystemFolders,TotalRAMProblemglobal DiskSpaceVolumes,WarningsHolder,IncompatibleINITsglobal StartUpVolumego cd "Headers 1"if (gUnknownINITs&MultipleSystemFolders&TotalRAMProblem&¬DiskSpaceVolumes&IncompatibleINITs&IncompatibleSecuritySoftware) is ¬not empty then put cd fld "Attention"& RETURN & RETURN into openingput cd fld "Opening" & RETURN & RETURN & gSelectedVols & RETURN &¬RETURN & cd fld "Opening2" & StartUpVolume & cd fld "Opening3" &¬RETURN & RETURN after openingput opening into TheFinalReportend doOpeningon doWarningsGlobal gINITsMoved,MultipleSystemFolders,INITProblemGlobal DiskSpaceVolumes,WarningsHolder,TotalRAMProblemGlobal IncompatibleSecuritySoftware,TheFinalReportglobal gUnknownINITs,IncompatibleINITsif (INITProblem&MultipleSystemFolders&TotalRAMProblem&¬DiskSpaceVolumes&IncompatibleSecuritySoftware) ¬is not empty thenput empty into WarningsHoldergo cd "Headers 1"--•INITsif gINITsMoved is empty thenif IncompatibleINITs is not empty then put cd fld ¬"Incompatible INITs" & RETURN & RETURN after WarningsHolderend if--•Multiple System Foldersif MultipleSystemFolders is not empty thengo cd "Headers 2"put cd fld "Multiple System Folders" & RETURN & RETURN ¬after WarningsHolderput MultipleSystemFolders & RETURN & RETURN after WarningsHolderend if--•Security Sofwareif IncompatibleSecuritySoftware is not empty thengo cd "Headers 1"put cd fld "Security Software"& RETURN & RETURN &¬IncompatibleSecuritySoftware & RETURN after¬WarningsHolderend if--•Insufficient RAMif TotalRAMProblem is not empty thengo cd "Headers 2"put cd fld "RAM" & RETURN & RETURN after WarningsHolderend if--•Insufficient Disk Spaceif DiskSpaceVolumes is not empty thengo cd "Headers 1"if the number of lines of DiskSpaceVolumes >1 thenrepeat with i = 1 to (the number of lines of DiskSpaceVolumes - 1)put "“"&line i of DiskSpaceVolumes&"”"&" and " after theVolumesend repeatput "“" & line (the number of lines of DiskSpaceVolumes) ¬of DiskSpaceVolumes &"”" after theVolumeselse put "“" & line 1 of DiskSpaceVolumes & "”" into theVolumesput cd fld "Disk Space 1" & theVolumes & " for installation."&¬RETURN & RETURN after WarningsHolderend ifif WarningsHolder is not empty then put WarningsHolder &¬RETURN after TheFinalReportend ifend doWarningson createItemTableglobal TheFinalReport,CurrentFiles,CompatibleFiles,IncompatibleFilesglobal UnknownFiles,gNumSelectedgo cd "Headers 2"if gNumSelected > 1 thenput cd fld "Table Heading" & RETURN & RETURN after TheFinalReportelseput cd fld "Table Heading 2" & RETURN & RETURN after TheFinalReportend ifput CurrentFiles & CompatibleFiles & IncompatibleFiles &¬UnknownFiles & RETURN & RETURN after TheFinalReportend createItemTableon doEndingglobal TheFinalReport,gSelectedVolsput "This report is based on compatibility information as of " &¬"5/1/91" & RETURN & RETURN & "END OF COMPATIBILITY REPORT"¬& RETURN & RETURN after TheFinalReport --∆end doEndingon createVendorTableglobal TheFinalReport,CurrentVendors,CompatibleVendorsglobal UnknownVendors,IncompatibleVendorsgo cd "Headers 2"put cd fld "Legend" & RETURN & RETURN & cd fld "Vendor Heading" &¬RETURN & RETURN & CurrentVendors & CompatibleVendors &¬IncompatibleVendors & UnknownVendors after TheFinalReportend createVendorTableon checkAndSplitReportglobal theFinalReportgo cd "Results"set lockScreen to TRUEif the number of chars in theFinalReport < 30000 thenput theFinalReport into cd fld "Results"set the scroll of cd fld "Results" to 0set the rect of cd fld "Results" to "4,67,508,300"hide cd btn "Section 1" --∆hide cd btn "Section 2" --∆hide cd btn "Section 3" --∆elseif the number of chars in theFinalReport < 60000 thenput 29700 into stopCharrepeat until char stopChar of theFinalReport is returnsubtract 1 from stopCharend repeatput char 1 to stopChar of theFinalReport into section1put char stopChar to (the number of chars of theFinalReport) of ¬theFinalReport into section2put return & "•• Continued in Section 2 ••" after section1 --∆set the rect of card field "Results" to "4,67,508,282"set the rect of cd btn "Section 1" to "135,286,230,306" --∆set the rect of cd btn "Section 2" to "305,286,400,306" --∆show card button "Section 1" --∆show card button "Section 2" --∆put section1 into card field "Results"put section2 into card field "Results 2"send mouseUp to card button "Section 1"set the scroll of card field "Results" to 0set the scroll of card field "Results 2" to 0else if the number of chars in theFinalReport < 90000 thenput 29700 into stopCharrepeat until char stopChar of theFinalReport is returnsubtract 1 from stopCharend repeatput 59000 into stopChar2repeat until char stopChar2 of theFinalReport is returnsubtract 1 from stopChar2end repeatput char 1 to stopChar of theFinalReport into section1put char (stopChar + 1) to stopChar2 of theFinalReport ¬into section2put char (stopChar2 + 1) to ¬(the number of chars of theFinalReport) of theFinalReport ¬into section3put return & "•• Continued in Section 2 ••" after section1 --∆put return & "•• Continued in Section 3 ••" after section2 --∆set the rect of card field "Results" to "4,67,508,282" --∆set the rect of cd btn "Section 1" to "85,286,180,306" --∆set the rect of cd btn "Section 2" to "217,286,312,306" --∆set the rect of cd btn "Section 3" to "343,286,438,306" --∆show cd btn "Section 1" --∆show cd btn "Section 2" --∆show cd btn "Section 3" --∆put section1 into cd fld "Results"put section2 into cd fld "Results 2"put section3 into cd fld "Results 3"send mouseUp to cd btn "Section 1"set the scroll of cd fld "Results" to 0set the scroll of cd fld "Results 2" to 0set the scroll of cd fld "Results 3" to 0elseanswer "Way too big"end ifend ifset lockScreen to FALSEpurgeReportGlobalsend checkAndSplitReporton processIncompatibleINITsglobal IncompatibleINITs,INITProblem,gNumSelected,IncompatibleFilesglobal IsVMCapable,Is32BitAddressableif IncompatibleINITs is not empty thenrepeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of IncompatibleINITsput line i of IncompatibleINITs into dataLineput item 1 of dataLine into fileNameput item 2 of dataLine into fileVersionput item 3 of dataLine into themessageput item 4 of dataLine into currentVersionput item 5 of dataLine into theVolumeName--repeat with i = 1 to the number of chars of fileNameif charToNum of char i of fileName is 1 thendelete char i of fileNameput SPACE after char (i-1) of fileNameend ifend repeat--if currentVersion is "99" then put "n/a" into currentVersionelse if currentVersion is "98" then put " " into currentVersionput TableWidth(fileName,"26")&TableWidth(fileVersion,"9")&¬"Must upgrade " & TableWidth(currentVersion,"7") ¬ --∆after tempIncompatibleINITsif INITProblem is not empty thenif themessage is not empty thenif themessage is "VM" thenif IsVMCapable is TRUE thenput "VM " after tempIncompatibleINITselseput " " after tempIncompatibleINITsend ifelse if themessage is "AD" thenif Is32BitAddressable is TRUE thenput "AD " after tempIncompatibleINITselseput " " after tempIncompatibleINITsend ifelse if themessage is "FR" then put "FR " after tempIncompatibleINITselse if themessage is "CD" then put "CD " after tempIncompatibleINITselse if themessage is "MI" then put "MI " after tempIncompatibleINITselse if themessage is "UP" then put "UP " after tempIncompatibleINITselse if themessage is "RI" then put "RI " after tempIncompatibleINITselse if themessage is "TT" then put "TT " after tempIncompatibleINITselse if themessage is "EX" then put "EX " after tempIncompatibleINITselse if themessage is "FS" then put "FS " after tempIncompatibleINITselse if themessage is "UN" thenput "UN " after tempIncompatibleINITsend ifelseput " " after tempIncompatibleINITsend ifelseput "MO " after tempIncompatibleINITsend ifif gNumSelected > 1 thenput char 1 to 19 of theVolumeName after tempIncompatibleINITsend ifput RETURN after tempIncompatibleINITsend repeatput tempIncompatibleINITs after IncompatibleFilesend ifend processIncompatibleINITson processUnknownINITsglobal INITProblem,UnknownINITs,gNumSelected,UnknownFilesif UnknownINITs is not empty thenrepeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of UnknownINITsput line i of UnknownINITs into dataLineput item 1 of dataLine into fileNameput item 2 of dataLine into fileVersionput item 3 of dataLine into theVolumeNameif "™" is in fileName thenput offset("™",fileName) into theChardelete char theChar of fileNameend ifif "©" is in fileName thenput offset("©",fileName) into theChardelete char theChar of fileNameend ifif "®" is in fileName thenput offset("®",fileName) into theChardelete char theChar of fileNameend if--repeat with i = 1 to the number of chars of fileNameif charToNum of char i of fileName is 1 thendelete char i of fileNameput SPACE after char (i-1) of fileNameend ifend repeat--put TableWidth(fileName,"26")&TableWidth(fileVersion,"9") ¬after tempUnknownINITsif INITProblem is empty thenput TableWidth("Not Avail.","15") & " MO " after ¬ --∆tempUnknownINITselseput TableWidth("Not Avail.","26") after tempUnknownINITs --∆end if--if gNumSelected > 1 thenput char 1 to 19 of theVolumeName after tempUnknownINITsend ifput RETURN after tempUnknownINITsend repeatput tempUnknownINITs after UnknownFilesend ifend processUnknownINITs================================-- Admin/Maintenance Handlers --================================on BYISetUpglobal BYIpush cdset lockScreen to TRUEgo cd "Introduction"show cd btn "Contents" --∆hide cd btn "Cover2"pop cdset lockScreen to FALSEput TRUE into BYIend BYISetUpon unlockrepeat with i = 1 to the number of cd fldsset the lockText of cd fld i to FALSEend repeatrepeat with i = 1 to the number of bg fldsset the lockText of bg fld i to FALSEend repeatend unlockon lockrepeat with i = 1 to the number of cd fldsset the lockText of cd fld i to TRUEend repeatrepeat with i = 1 to the number of bg fldsset the lockText of bg fld i to TRUEend repeatend lock</script>
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